4:24 PM
1. Be yourself.
Going to school 14 hours away from home you think you're going to get a fresh start from everything that you left behind. But in reality, it's all still apart of you and as much as you want to venture out and try new things, you still have to be true to yourself and do what makes you feel comfortable.
2. Trust your body...and your head.
Easy Mac, Tequila, and every other late night snack start to slowly consume your body during the first semester. One thing i've discovered is that just because you're at college doesn't mean that you can throw out all your healthy habits out the window. Your body still needs to move and get exercise.
3. Sororities aren't like the movies.
Being from the North, sororities were never a big deal at college. But I decided to join one when I came to school because I felt like it would give me an opportunity to make a big school feel just a little smaller. It was hands down one of the best decisions of my life. I have truly met some friends that will be there for me for the rest of my life.
4. Boys are still immature.
Boys don't automatically go to college and become men. They still suck. They still become drunk assholes.
5. You never really leave High School.
Your High School friends will always still be a big part of your life. Talking to them makes being far from home just that much easier...and a quick FaceTime makes everything better.
6. There are still cliques in college.
Cheerleaders and football players are still hot shit. But so are the nerds and student body presidents of school. They still exist, just NO ONE CARES.
7. Gamedays are the best/worst days.
Wake up at 8am...drink a few (or a lot) of mimosas...get drunk at the tailgates and eat some hamburgers...go home take a nap...go back downtown and continue to drink.
Wake up still drunk.
8. XL T-shirts and running shorts are fashionable.
Looking nice for class is considered a crime.
9. Always pregame.
Pregame are one of the few ways to get free alcohol and cute pictures, so why not do it.
10. Downtown is fun but staying in is also fun.
I went out far too much my first semester...like WAY too much. But coming back to school after winter break I've realized that Netflix and Chill can sometimes be just as fun as going downtown and sometimes just what your body needs. Trust me, your body will thank you when you wake up for the first time in a while without a hangover.